Sustainable Livestock Farming

Sustainable Livestock Farming

One of the most interesting shifts in our attitude to food over the past 20 years or so has been the demand by consumers to know the provenance of the meat they buy. They want to know where it comes from and how the animals are reared. Animal welfare is high on their agenda. This,…

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The Elephant in the Room

The Elephant in the Room

On 4th September last year, Anna Hill, on Farming Today (Radio 4), began with this question: “If British shoppers are spending £204 billion a year on food, why are farmers only seeing 4.5% of that?”[1] She put the question to Tim Lang, Professor of Food Policy at City University, and his reply was damning. In…

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Podcasts and The Future of Farming

Podcasts and The Future of Farming

We all know that farming is going to change. The question is not when but how it will change. The Agriculture Bill and the Environment Bill both set out a direction of travel towards a more sustainable form of farming. As always, the big question is who is going to pay for it. Anna Hill…

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